After almost exactly 2 years I finally closed my eBay dropshipping store last month so I thought it my be useful to share my thoughts on this sideline hustle and give you some of the reasons behind this closure. How my Process Evolved over Time I originally started by using the freelistings that eBay gave […]
12 Killer Tips from 9 Months of eBay Dropshipping
I’ve been practising eBay dropshipping now for nearly a year so I thought it was time to look back and give you a bit of a progress update and reflective look at what I have achieved and some of the ups and downs from David Wu’s dropshipping technique. If you haven’t heard about this before […]
The Pros and Cons of Working with a Virtual Assistant
As part of my eBay dropshipping business there are a lot of manual, repetitive tasks that you need to do in order to run your store and maximise profit, so I decided to outsource this work and in this article we look at the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a virtual assistant. The main task is […]
eBay Drop Shipping with No Inventory
I haven’t made many updates to the site recently as I’ve been focusing mainly on my latest make money online scheme… eBay dropshipping. EBay whatshipping I hear you say, well let me explain! If you’ve never heard of dropshipping before, then simply explained the following happens: You advertise a product somewhere Someone buys the product […]